Discover Female Lead Mysteries and Thriller Giveaways For Advance Readers

I’ve been invited to take part in more book free advance reader thriller book promotions, one featuring females in protagonist roles in mysteries and thrillers. As some of my followers already know, Amanda Michaels is the protagonist of my new book, Targeting the Telomeres, and also was the protagonist of my first telomere series novel, Taming the Telomeres.  I am offering advance reader copies in this promo, along with other excellent authors.

The female lead free books promo is for a limited time, click on the link below to get up to 17 free female lead international thrillers:

Free Female Lead Thrillers on Book Funnel


Free Female Lead Thrillers on Book Funnel

 Secondly, I am participating in another mystery & thriller giveaway– this one is even bigger with over 30 authors offering free advanced reader copy novels, so snag your copies of mysteries and thrillers to fill up and discover great books for your summer reading.

Major Mystery & Thriller Novel Giveaway

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Major Mystery & Thriller Novel Giveaway

So, if you are still with me here is a fun excerpt from Targeting the Telomeres, an  excerpt from a chapter entitled “Hard Way” in Part III of TTT-2:

Excerpt from “Hard Way”

Amanda climbs up on the short wall and starts to descend into the blackness off the rear of the ferry. Using her sneakers to glide down the stern, she reaches the waterline and feels the cold water soak into her shoes as she sinks down into the water. She glances toward the pier, getting a fix on the direction, then she notices a moving flashlight beam cutting through the darkness and paddles back into the shadow of the ferry. Once she sees Ty’s silhouette sliding into the water and swimming just below the surface, she lowers her head and mirrors him, seeing nothing except his amorphous figure ahead, even with her goggles in place.

As they approach the pier, Ryan slows down and signals with his hand for her to do the same. He holds a finger in front of his mouth, indicating not to speak, and points toward the pier. The guard stands no more than twenty feet away on the sidewalk, his flashlight shining downward. Ryan disappears, and Amanda maintains her position, treading water, assuming he has a plan. The ray of light starts scanning the water in her direction so she pushes her arms up and silently lowers herself underwater. From below the surface she watches the light shake spastically, then hears a loud splash.

He’s coming for me, she thinks, and begins swimming away frantically. The thrashing sounds, which come closer for several seconds as she strokes toward the ferry, suddenly stop. She turns and looks back, but sees nothing.

Now what? Ryan didn’t tell me what to do if someone came after me in the water. Since there is no sign of the guard in the water, she decides to try to find her way back to the pier and hopefully get out of the cold water.

She begins swimming under the surface, coming up for air for a split second, and wondering if another guard will be waiting for her on land. A few feet away from the pier, she starts looking for one of the ladders Ryan mentioned when something on her left touches her torso. She jerks away, like a fish instinctively leaping to avoid a shark attack, and prepares to slam her fist down on the top of the guard’s skull.

(C) 2018 R.N. Shapiro Targeting the Telomeres, All Rights Reserved.